20 March 2017

Chichester Psalms with the King's Chorus

Yesterday afternoon the King's Chorus, conducted by Nick Halley, performed an impressive program of Kodaly's Missa Brevis, Fauré's Cantique de Jean Racine, and Berstein's Chichester Psalms. I joined the chorus for the second two and particularly enjoyed the Bernstein with Paul Halley at the organ and Richard Baughman on percussion.  

 dress rehearsal in All Saints' Cathedral

17 March 2017

Dusty Keleher music video

Last weekend, Dusty made a video of his song East to Ireland. Colin Carrigan and I joined him in the nook at the Henry House for the shoot. Here it is, made by Analog Songs, in time for St. Patrick's Day:

The video crew, including my excellent doppelganger Katy Hopkins

5 March 2017

Lucky Penny

Lucky Penny Coffee Co on Quinpool hosted a pop-up market and afternoon improvised performance yesterday. The afternoon included India Gailey, cello, Andrew Jackson, trombone, and Andrew MacKelvie, saxophone, and featured the art of the talented Madeleine West.

1 March 2017

December student recital photos

Here are a couple of photos I just received from the harp class recital back in December. They are such a great group!